Bob Halsey's Birthday

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

One of my lost posts to the old FOJ list was a reminder that Bob Halsey’s birthday is February 18th. I was hoping that some of you might send him cards. The notice is now short, but I know he would be delighted to receive a belated card.

Bob’s case is one of the saddest sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice. Outlandish and impossible claims were manufactured against him by many of the same Berkshire County villains who railroaded Bernard Baran, Bruce Clairmont, and others. You can read more about Bob at

I’m not sure how old Bob will be. He’s in his late 70s and in poor health. His impoverished wife, Mary, now nearly blind, has been in a nursing home for years.

One thing is certain: Bob Halsey, an innocent man, will die in prison.

Here is Bob’s address:

Robert C. Halsey
Unit A1
PO Box 1218
Shirley, MA 01464

-Bob Chatelle

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