Greetings Again

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

We still await the Appeals Court decision on the Baran case.

Bee is holding up quite well. His partner David is still recovering from his major surgery. Once he has recovered, a second operation will be scheduled. David, of course, will be unable to work for some time. Bee has returned to work, but he had to take a lot of time off to care for David. This has caused a lot of financial problems for them. Supporters and John Swomley, Bee’s lawyer, have been quite generous. If you’d like to help out as well, you can send a donation to:

The Bernard Baran Justice Committee
POB 190663
Roxbury MA 02119

David was well enough, I’m happy to report, to drive both of them out to western Massachusetts to attend the wedding of Bee’s wonderful niece, Crystal. Bee gave her away at the altar.

Jim and I, unfortunately, were not able to attend because we were still on our vacation in Europe. If you’d like to see some photos of our trip, click this link.

I hope to post again soon with good news.

-Bob Chatelle

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