Lou Piccone — Case Dismissed

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

This article appeared in today’s Berkshire Eagle. This time the bullies who run Berkshire County (and DSS) picked on someone who had the means and will to fight back.

I know that Lou is determined to fight on against the corruption that poisons our legal and child-protection systems. I wish him every success.

-Bob Chatelle

One Response to “Lou Piccone — Case Dismissed”

  1. David Weissbrod says:

    I cried when I first read the Eagle’s very good article about Judge Vrabel’s decision and about the terrible ordeal heaped upon you and your family by dangerous people in positions of authority who arrived at your home almost a year ago in the dark of night to unleash their lawlessnes and to spew their false accustations. I cried because for a moment I felt joy and relief that the Berkshire Court system had actually seen the light of truth and reason!
    With no crime, nor no legal justification for their actions against you and your family, and with no shame, members of DSS, Berkshire County’s DA’s office, and the Dalton Police Department to various degrees, lied, covered up, withheld evidence and trampled over your rights, and made a mockery of the Ameican justice system. These people should be fired, fined, suspended, and at the very least forced to publicly apologize to the Lou Piccone family and to the Massachustts taxpayers who pay their salaries. Stop harrassing innocent people, stop wasting the courts time, and stop feeding the falsely-accused and falsely-convicted enterprise of Berkshire County. There are plenty of legitimate cases to pursue, although perhaps not as senstional as child abuse cases, to gain recognition so as to enhance one’s reputation.
    To Lou and to your family, I hope this nightmare truly ends now and I hope you and your family can begin to pick up where it left off -before the cruel absurdidties and horrors began.

    At this moment I celebrate this victory of right and of reason, yet at the same time I fear for some other unsuspecting and innocent person elsewhere in the Bekshires, who upon answering the sound of a knock on his door in the dark of night, thinks he’s welcoming honest local law enforcement officials and competent social services workers into his home, instead finds he’s entered a world where the horrors of Solzhenitsyn’s novels meet the clueless and broken worlds of Berkshire County’s Department of Social Sevices and District Attorney’s offices.

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