Bernie "Bee" Baran is Sick

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I am quite worried about Bee. He has been quite sick for a few days, complicated by severe asthma attacks. He finally saw a doctor this morning. She wanted to hospitalize him on the spot. He finally agreed to go if the medications prescribed for him don’t cause a dramatic improvement over the next couple of days.

Bee has suffered from asthma since childhood. he also suffered a great deal of physical abuse while in prison, causing him a lot of lingereing problems. His shoulder has been bothering him a great deal for a long time. The doctor feels he needs to see an orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible. She also scheduled him for a complete checkup. She told him that his lungs are in terrible shape.

One of the reasons Bee didn’t see a doctor before this is that he had such a terrible time getting health insurance. Once he got it, I bugged him to schedule a physical. But then his partner David became seriously ill and Bee’s focus was taking care of him. Both of them lost a great deal of work because of David’s illness, precipitating their current financial crisis.

The doctor was also skeptical about Bee continuing as a landscaper because of the asthma and his past physical injuries.

If you have Bee’s address, you might want to send him a card. If you don’t, I’d be happy to email it to you. I don’t want to post it in a public place to protect their privacy.

-Bob Chatelle

3 Responses to “Bernie "Bee" Baran is Sick”

  1. Karen Shepard says:

    I would like Bee’s address to send him a note. I hope the meds help quickly. I work with Robin Litchfield at BHS. Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day Bob.


  2. john says:

    hi bob,

    just wanted to drop a comment. Interesting blog, ill have to read alot more.


  3. Clinton Crowley says:

    Me too, please send Bee’s street address. Also, I have a hard time reading your gray-on-black FOJ page. Nothing wrong with a red-on-black banner at the top, but my eyes aren’t what they used to be…

    I’m really glad you and Bee and others of the FOJ crew have gotten onto Facebook. It’s a great way to remind people you exist.

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