[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]
Dear Friend of Justice,
A few minutes ago, I received a phone call from my good friend, Joseph Allen. he was calling from his brother’s house.
For the time being, Joseph is free and he is rejoicing in his freedom. Only those who have been imprisoned — especially for things they did not do — know how precious even one day of freedom is. Having never been in prison myself, I cannot even began to imagine this.
Here is a link to a story about Joseph’s release:
You can review the case here.
Most of the money for the bond was raised by the National Center for Reason and Justice. And most of that came from the readers of this blog. Thank you all so much!
Joseph was not allowed to take his address book with him. But he is eager to write to his friends. I won’t publish his address on a public blog. But if you would like it, please email me at [email protected].
We have a long way to go before justice is doen in this case, and in far too many others. But to have the courage to fight on, every victory must be savored.
-Bob Chatelle