It's Over!

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

This morning Berkshire County DA David Capeless finally announced that he would no longer pursue the Baran case. Here is a short article posted at the Berkshire Eagle web site:

When I spoke with Bee a little while ago, he was shedding some very well-earned tears. He and his family have been living this nightmare for almost a quarter of a century. Jim D’Entremont and I are relative newcomers to the case. We’ve only been involved for 11 years.

My mind is racing.

One question that pops into mind: Does this mean that the system worked?

My first inclination is to say, “Hell, no! The system didn’t work. We worked. We worked damn hard fighting the power of a hearltess macchine.”

But this wouldn’t give credit to those people in the system who did work, and who worked very hard. I think especially of Judges Fecteau, Lenk, Duffly and Green and their staffs. There was a tremendous amout of material. They read it all, they read it thoughtfully, and they responded with two beautiful decisions. I am most grateful. Whenever I’m tempted to think too unkindly of judges, I will do my best to remember these.

Nevertheless, this hard-won victory proves that there are very serious things wrong with our judicial system.

Ten years ago, I read the Baran trial transcript for the first time. It is appalling. The injustice was so blatant, that I naively thought it would not take that long to free him. Boy was I wrong.

You can’t fight power without money. And we had none. So we started to raise it. To date we’ve raised about $320,000. We were lucky to find a few big donors. But most of that came from concerned citizens of limited means. This is what it costs when ordinary people are forced to do the job that should be done by the government.

Our expenses, however, thus far total $589,000. This is just what has been actually billed. A great many services were donated. All of our expert witnesses, for example, were not paid a dime. The lawyers donated time. And the lawyers know that most of their bill will never be paid.

Should it really take citizens over ten years and over half a million dollars to right a greivous wrong committed by their own government?

I would like to think that the Baran case might eventually lead to some meaningful judicial reform. But I’m not holding my breath. That would require a lot  of work from good citizens.

Democracy requires more than voting — and far too few Americans even do that. Democracy requires that citizens inform themselves, work for needed reforms, and hold their government accountable for its actions.

What comes of this is not up to me. It’s up to you.

As for me, as soon as we catch our breath, we are going to savor this victory and celebrate it.

-Bob Chatelle

16 Responses to “It's Over!”

  1. Art Leonard says:

    I assume this means that Mr. Baran will be freed of all the restraints that were placed upon him when he was released pursuant to Judge Fecteau’s ruling? So he can travel and shed the monitoring device, etc.?

  2. Judith Levine says:

    Wonderful! NCRJ should have a fundraising party to celebrate Bee’s freedom & raise the money that is still owed.

  3. bobchatelle says:

    It’s a lot of money!

    But let’s talk about it. Why don’t you email the NCRJ Board?


  4. Jane Brennan says:

    Thank you for all YOUR hard work. I for one am grateful to know such a champion for truth and justice. Your tireless efforts are an inspiration.
    Jane Brennan

  5. David C. Boies says:

    I urge everyone living in the metro area of a nationally-known newspaper (which reports across country)–LATimes, Chi. Trib (what remains of it), etc–to write demanding coverage. The Globe and then the NYT have just had room for stories about a French-style bakery in New Hampshire, but not Baran (except Saltzman’s piece). For years I’ve tried to get sanctimonious Frank Rich to cover this, but he hasn’t.

  6. Gil Zicklin says:

    Wow this is good news for those of us who followed the Baran case. Of course, Bob Chatelle is right: it never never should have come to this. But we can savor this final moment. And great thanks to all those who worked for Bee’s release.

  7. Heidi says:

    Heck, they should take off the monitoring device right away. I mean he already had injustices done, to delay taking it off would be a further injustice.

  8. Georgie Evans says:

    Great news Bob. We’ve all been waiting for this day. Waiting for that email from you that says its all over and Bee is finally free. A big thank you to all the people that worked so hard to free this innocent man.

  9. Bruce Clairmont says:

    Capeless had to get in one last parting shot. He apparently is not signing Bee’s release until tomorrow. This means that the monitoring device remains on until then at the very least.

  10. Carol Weissbrod says:

    I just spoke with Bee on the phone. The monitoring device has been removed.

  11. Paul Kasman says:

    Hurray!!! Bob, please include my name on the list of those that send congratulations to Bee. I also want to echo those who feel the occasion is a moment to salute you, your tenacity, dedication, and virtue.

    Long live Bee Baran! Long live Bob Chatelle!

  12. Diane Clairmont says:

    For once Berkshire County’s DA office got it right, but it does not make up for all the wrong it has done to to so many people over the decades.

  13. […] A little real justice; an innocent, railroaded man freed after too many years imprisoned. […]

  14. BILL DION says:

    It had to be done. And people stepped forward and did what was required. Congratulations to you all. Margaret Mead was right: “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
    What do we know of Bee’s plans for the future?

  15. Heather McNally says:

    I was amazed and pleased to hear this news on my local cable TV news channel in the troy ny area….

    Capital News 9 of Time Warner Cable TV

    WTG congrats to you all…. please let Bee know that i wish him well also…. not that he knows me 🙂

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