Michael O'Laughlin Conviction Reversed!

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I just got the news that the First Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed with prejudice the conviction of Michael O’Laughlin.

See http://www.freemichaelnow.com/ for details and the decision.

This was a major case (and another black eye) for Berkshire County DA, DAvid Capeless.

There has long been something rotten in Berkshire County. The stench is getting noticed.


3 Responses to “Michael O'Laughlin Conviction Reversed!”

  1. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for posting this on your blog; the decision was long overdue. This has not been a good week for Mr. Capeless; couldn’t happen to a nicer fella.


  2. Paul Ingram says:

    Thanks Bob for the good news you have been passing on. Advocates like you make all the difference in the world. Tell Bee we are celebrating with him.


  3. Carol Weissbrod says:

    Great comment, Dick. I hope this week has brought him some of the misery he has caused others. I hope this is just the beginning of winning freedom for the many other wrongfully-convicted in Berkshire County.

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