Bee Baran Has Pancreatitis

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I received a disturbing phone call from Bee this morning. He went to the emergency room last night in pain. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis. He was allowed to spend the night at home, but has another appointment today. His family is on their way from Pittsfield.

I will keep you posted.

-Bob Chatelle

3 Responses to “Bee Baran Has Pancreatitis”

  1. Carol Weissbrod says:

    Get well soon, Bee!

  2. BILL DION says:

    The timing is right. Just about the time I started to figure out how it works, my body started to fall apart. Did you hear that crash? That was not the cat. That was something falling off.
    Be well. Your good health means a lot to us. Mostly I hope you’re getting to enjoy life with your friends and family. And secretly in my most private thoughts, I hope you’re working on your book.
    Here’s wishing you every comfort and remedy. You’re fortunate in that you have so many healthcare resources there, something like we have in the Palm Springs area. Mary, my co-patient in dialysis, has been in treatment for 30 years. She’s is a glowing 93. She told me, “Dialysis is tiring. You get tired of it after a while.”
    But I never get tired of Mary. And I’ll never get tired of you.

  3. admin says:

    We spoke with Bee a little while ago, after his doctor’s appointment. He will be allowed to stay home this weekend unless there is vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. Should he develop any of these symptoms, he must go to the hospital immediately. He can have no solid food, only wator, Gatorade, or other clear liquids.

    His pancreas has swollen to 5 1/2 times its normal size. He sees the doctor again on Monday and they will then decide what to do next.

    -Bob Chatelle

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