A Great Article About Bernard Baran and Sleazy Judge Daniel Ford

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

From Reason magazine: http://www.reason.com/news/show/135474.html

A must read!

-Bob Chatelle

3 Responses to “A Great Article About Bernard Baran and Sleazy Judge Daniel Ford”

  1. Carol Weissbrod says:

    It most definitely is a must read! I hope Harvey follows through.

  2. David Weissbrod says:

    Excellent article!
    Ford’s prosecutorial misconduct must not be swept under the rug.

  3. Dennis Maher says:

    I think this is a very well written and thought out article.It is about time that this Judge is called on the carpet.I lived thru some of the same stuff as Bee.I was in prison with Bee for a long time and was also proven innocent. So i understand about when a judge is not held responsible.I think that the police need to be held responsible also.I hope the ethics commitee takes along hard look and does something about the good old boy network that is in that area.

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