Bernard Baran Health Update

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

About a month ago I reported that Bee Baran had been diagnosed with pancreatitus. While I’ve had many inquiries about his health, I have refrained from posting until we had more information.

In the past month, Bee has had a great many tests and seen doctors, including a very good specialist. Only yesterday, a diagnosis was given.

Bee has a rare condition. He has antibodies in his system that attacked his pancreas as if they were attacking a foreign body. The specialist doesn’t know how he developed this condition, but it may have its roots in  an operation  he had at Shattuck Hospital when he was a prisoner. The level of these antibodies is low and his pancreas has returned to near normal functioning. But the specialist is undecided about treatment.

The antibodies could be knocked out with massive doses of prednisone. But such treatment could have nasty side effects. For one thing, it could leave him vulnerable to cancer. Should his antibody level increase, however, there would be little alternative.

For the next six weeks, his only treatment will be pain medication and something to keep his stomach settled. He has been asked to monitor and log everything he eats, his reactions, etc. He will see the specialist again and they will decide upon their next step.

Bee has been unable to work. He may have to go on unemployment or short-term disability. i will talk to him more about this.

Fortunately, we had started a fund-raising drive shortly before he became sick, and people have been very generous. Bee is most grateful for this help. And at this time we have every intention of holding our fund-raising party for him on September 12th.

I will keep you informed of any developments.

-Bob Chatelle

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