Bee Baran is in the Hospital

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I’m sorry to report that Bee is in Winchester Hospital. He had a bad night last night and David took him in around five this morning. We just talked with him but he was taken away for tests. We will keep you updated.

Unfortunately, Jim D’entremont and I are leaving for vacation for ten days this afternoon. But we will be in contact by phone and I will post more information while we’re away.

-Bob Chatelle

2 Responses to “Bee Baran is in the Hospital”

  1. Heidi says:

    Best wishes and hope you feel better soon, Bee! I’ll be praying.

  2. BILL DION says:


    I am sorry to hear this news. I have had my share of hospitalization the last couple of years and my share of people who should know better imposing on one’s privacy.

    However, Bee is like a member of the family, and if it is possible to do so without imposing on him, I would very much like to know how he’s doing.

    Here’s wishin’, and hopin’ and prayin’ for the best. The hospital probably won’t release any information except to family. Massachusetts is pretty backward in their interpretation of privacy. I couldn’t get information on my own sister, or my two aunts. And when my best friend stopped answering his phone, I had to fly back there and visit every goddam hospital in boston to find him. That’s when I had a bank account. But now I can’t travel. I will appreciate whatever you can do.

    Looking forward,

    Bill Dion
    [email protected]

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