Bernard Baran's Health Problems Becoming More Serious

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Jim D’Entremont and I arrived back from Lisbon just a few minutes ago and I am very jet lagged.

We kept in close touch with Bee while we were away. He was finally allowed to go home from the hospital on the evening of October 12th, the day we left. He seemed a bit better, but then developed a cold near the end of the week. This triggered a severe asthma attack. (Bee has suffered from asthma since childhood.) Finally, last night his partner David took him to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing. He is still there. He has been diagnosed with bronchitis and possibly pneumonia. He will probably be moved into intensive care.

We are all very worried about him.

-Bob Chatelle

2 Responses to “Bernard Baran's Health Problems Becoming More Serious”

  1. Bernard Rosenthal says:

    My thoughts are with Bee, and I hope he pulls through this. Seems as if his troubles just won’t end. I’m rooting for him.

  2. Bob, Thank you for this update. Please let Bee know he is in our thoughts. I’ll send a card if you tell me where he’s hospitalized. Is there something constructive I can do? Susan M.

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