Please Write to the Boston Globe

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Today the Boston Globe published this predictably adulatory article about Martha Coakley.

There is no mention of her signing the amicus supporting absolute prosecutorial immunity. Nor is there any mention of her prosecution of Ray and Shirley Souza, a case that thrust her into the public eye long before she prosecuted Louise Woodward.

At least it mentions (at the end of a long article) her disgraceful role in the Amirault case, which she still defends.

“I am as convinced [as I am of] anything that those children were abused at that day-care center by the three defendants [Violet, Cheryl, and Gerald Amirault], and if I weren’t, I would be the first to acknowledge that,’’ she said.

This statement alone is ample proof that Coakley is either an idiot or a liar. In either case, she is unfit for public office.

Please write to the Globe. The email address is [email protected].

I will send them a modified version of my letter to the Phoenix. But the more letters they receive, the more likely it is that they will run one.

-Bob Chatelle

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