Please Send a Card to a Prisoner

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

This is a most difficult time of the year to be in prison, especially if you are innocent with little hope for justice.

You can bring some cheer to a prisoner just by taking the time to send a card, letter, or note.

If you don’t regularly correspond with a prisoner, here is a list of some names and addresses.


6 Responses to “Please Send a Card to a Prisoner”

  1. I had to change my brother Paul Litchfield site from .com to .net

  2. A concerned father says:

    Why in the world do you have Gunther Fieks name on this list? If you are getting your information from the site, maybe you should investigate more.

    Only the kids and Gunther know for sure what happened. The kids admitted the crime, Gunther admitted the crime. Please request the court transcripts. Then read them. Then take his child molesting name off this list of so called innocent peoples list.


    • admin says:

      I am happy to have Gunther’s name on the list. His case was thoroughly investigated and I am 100 percent confident of his innocence.

      Information about his case can be found here:

      Especially informative is the affidavit of Dr. Maggie Bruck, the foremost authority on the effects of suggestive questioning on children. See

      You of course are free to disagree with me. But it’s doubtful that either of us will change our mind.

      -Bob Chatelle

  3. A concerned father says:


    He confessed. He confessed to me. I heard it with my own ears. There was also a tape played in the court room, a tape of a father and his son talking. Even the expert witnesses for the defense said there was no suggestive remarks.

    When you say you investigated, did you read the transcripts? Or did you read the incredible spin that ncrj put out? I sat in the court room EVERY day. There is NO DOUBT of his guilt.

  4. A concerned father says:


    On other thing, the day before his sentencing, he admitted to the Atlanta Journal Constitution that he may have “improperly” touched some of the boys.

    It was on the front page B-1 of the metro section.

    He said this after maintaining that he never touched ANY of the boys.

  5. A concerned father says:

    Another thing, the ncrj and other publications have suggested that all the boys knew each other, went to school together and all of their parents were buddies. THAT was NOT the case. 8 of the 23 boys knew each other. Thats it. The rest live in a 45 mile radius.

    So how pray tell did ALL the boys have the exact same story??

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