Shanley Decision Even Worse Than I Thought

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I am sorry to say that there was not a single dissent. I had my hopes up about Ralph Gants. But he bitterly disappointed.

This is what they had to say about repressed memory:

“In sum, the judge’s finding that the lack of scientific testing did not make unreliable the theory that an individual may experience disassociative amnesia [massive repression] was supported in the record, not only by expert testimony but by a wide collection of clinical observations and a survey of academic literature,” Cordy wrote.

In other words, although there is no evidence to back the theory, we have to accept it because some clinicians and academics happen to believe in it.

By this reasoning, the “expert” testimony of astrologers should also be admissible in Massachusetts courtrooms.

-Bob Chatelle

One Response to “Shanley Decision Even Worse Than I Thought”

  1. Curtis P. Hinckley says:

    The injustice continues based only on beliefs and not science.

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