Please Sign This Petition

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I have been a regular visitor to Massachusetts prisons for over a dozen years. I believe nothing is more important to a prisoner and nothing more improves a prisoner’s chances of success in society than support and contact, especially face-to-face contact, with those of us fortunate enough to live beyond the walls.

Currently there are too many, not too few, restrictions. Measures such as those proposed serve no purpose other than permitting law-and-order posturing on the part of the governor and other elected officials. We must not fall for it.

Therefore, I would be grateful to those who will sign and forward this petition.

-Bob Chatelle

One Response to “Please Sign This Petition”

  1. al baker says:

    Bob, have you a copy of these proposed changes?

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