[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]
Dear Friend of Justice,
I am often contacted by people looking for defense and/or appellate lawyers. While I know quite a few, my list is too small. In many states, I strike out completely. For example, I recently received a troubling request from Oklahoma, where I know no one at all.
I am looking for names to add to my attorney list. This is a private list and will not be published. I am most interested in finding lawyers who know the issues around false accusations of harm, sexual or otherwise, to children, especially the problems with coercive interviewing and the reliability of recovered repressed memories of traumatic events. Or at least attorneys willing to do the work of learning about these issues.
If you know such a lawyer to recommend, please email me at [email protected]. In addition to the contact information for the attorney, it would be helpful if you could tell me a bit about why you are recommending him or her.
Thanks for the help!
-Bob Chatelle
I am connected to a group called F.A.S.T. False Allegations Solution Team. This is their expertise, false sexual abuse cases and especially ones against children. You may want to check out their site at: