JoAnn Wypijewski on the Terrible Shanley Decision

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Our good friend JoAnn Wypijewski has written a wonderful article about the recent disgraceful ruling by the cadre of Martha Coakley fans who make up the Supreme Judicial Court here in repressed-memory land.

This is a must read. Pass it on!

-Bob Chatelle

One Response to “JoAnn Wypijewski on the Terrible Shanley Decision”

  1. michael cox says:

    Thanks JoAnn for making the effort to disclose the hypocrisy, deceit and cowardice displayed by your Supreme Judicial Court in the Shanley matter. We, a small group in Queensland Australia, have been fighting now for many years to bring the many miscarriages of Justice here due to ‘repressed memories’ to the attention of the general public. We confront a media seemingly devoid of conscience, a State Government and opposition who display similar traits to your Supreme Court and a Justice system seemingly unable or unwilling to accept the system is failing so many of our citizens. The rogues in the ‘ helping professions ‘ remain untouched and it’s business as usual. Keep up the good fight. Michael D Cox
    ( Social Worker – retired)

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