Judith Levine on Martha Coakley

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Here’s an article about Coakley by my friend, Judith Levine.


One Response to “Judith Levine on Martha Coakley”

  1. Betty Rollins says:

    Great article. I am a D, and have run for state office on that ticket. I receive emails from the national headquarters frequently. When they asked for money for Coakley I replied I would not send them 5 cents much less 5 dollars and used much of the same statements as noted in this article. I work with parents and grandparents whose children have been taken by the system so I do agree on that score also. CPS is nothing more in many cases then a federal money grab at the expense of destroying children.

    This is one of those articles that screams “I wish I had said that”

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