A Phone Call From Joseph Allen

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

I received a phone call from Joseph Allen yesterday afternoon. Even though Allen and his co-defendant, Nancy Smith, were acquitted by a judge, the prosecutors (aided by the Ohio Attorney General) have appealed the acquittal and are trying to send Smith and Allen back to prison. The appeals court will have a hearing on the prosecutors’ motion this coming Tuesday.

Let us hope for the best so that these two good people can get on with their lives. Sending them back behind bars would be a terrible tragedy.

You can review my past posts on this case here.

For general background on the case, click here.

-Bob Chatelle

2 Responses to “A Phone Call From Joseph Allen”

  1. MaryAnn says:

    They just don’t quit do they!!!! This is absurd!!! Why would you continue to do your best to imprison innocent men and women!!!! I’m just shocked! We were so happy to hear that the nightmare was finally over but is it ever, really????

  2. Darrell Otto says:

    These prosecutors will go to incredible lengths to protect their precious convictions. They have completely lost sight of the concepts of justice. It is all about statistics, ego and winning – a game played with a game players mentality.

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