It’s Not Too Late!

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Many of you have contributed to the National Center for Reason and Justice‘s annual fund drive. Thank you all very much!

I suspect some of you had planned to give, didn’t get around to it, and then decided against it believing it was too late to get a 2010 tax deduction.

You can get your tax deduction in two ways:

1. By going to this web site and donating by credit card.

2. By dating your check (payable to NCRJ) 12/31/2010 and mailing it to The National Center for Reason and Justice, POB 191101, Roxbury MA 02119.  I will keep the 2010 books open for several days to accommodate late contributions.

Whether you’re able to donate or not, we wish you all a very Happy New Year!

-Bob Chatelle

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