Please Help Joseph Allen File for Clemency

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Most of you know, that I am a longtime supporter of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen, who were falsely accused and wrongfully convicted in Lorain Ohio back in the 90s.

I have made a great many postings about this case.

While Joseph and Nancy are equally innocent, Nancy has been somewhat more fortunate in her access to resources.

For example, three years ago, Nancy’s family and supporters were able to post bail for her.

Joseph’s family could only put together a few hundred dollars. The National Center for Reason and Justice was able to post Joseph’s bond. That cost $10,000.

And most of that money came from you, the readers of this blog.

Nancy Smith’s attorney has already filed her clemency petition. Joseph’s lawyer is working on his. But he could use some financial help.

Joseph’s attorney thus far has done all of the legal work pro bono. All expenses — and they have been considerable — have come out of his own pocket.

My hope is to raise at least $5,000 to help him a little.

I’m hoping some of you will join my efforts. You can send a check (made out to NCRJ) and mail it to

POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119-1582

Just note “Clemency Fund” on your check.

You can also make a credit-card donation via PayPal or Google at the NCRJ site:

This is a particular nasty miscarriage of justice. We must not rest until Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen are permanently free and cleared.



One Response to “Please Help Joseph Allen File for Clemency”

  1. jacqueline says:

    This is terrible. I hope I can send you something after the first of the month. Does it actually cost something to file the petition, or is the fund to help the attorney with expenses? That’s reasonable, and I hope to send something after the first of the month.Thank you, and good luck to Mr. Allen. Many people know that he must be innocent!

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