Bernard Baran Documentary Now Available Through Amazon

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

The full-length documentary movie about the Baran case is now available through Amazon Instant Video.

You may rent the movie for $2.99 or purchase it for $9.99.

You must download a special player from Amazon to watch the movie. There is no additional charge. But you can’t copy the movie to a DVD and view it on a standard DVD player.

The doumentary contains some powerful footage, especially of Baran and his family. I’m most interested in hearing your reactions.

-Bob Chatelle

2 Responses to “Bernard Baran Documentary Now Available Through Amazon”

  1. Georgie Evans says:

    Bob…is amazon instant view going to be the only way to see the movie? Do you think Netflix will offer it?

  2. Deneen Goddard says:

    Wow, thank you for letting me know about the video Bob.

    I always felt Bernie was wrongly convicted and stayed in touch with him on and off while he was in prison. My heart just breaks for him and his family in what they have had to endure.

    You and Mr. Swomley are very special men to help faciliate his freedom.

    I would love to get back in touch with Bernie – I’ve lost touch since he left prison so I would be very grateful if you could pass along my email address.

    Thanks much!

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