Archive for October, 2012

Prosecutor Agrees to Commute Nancy Smith’s Sentence

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

My feelings about this are mixed. Dennis Will has always insisted that Smith and Allen are guilty of the non-existent crimes and has vowed to send them both back to prison.

This is the first time he has showed some flexibility.

The basics of the case:

My concern is that the plan is to let Nancy go and to throw Joseph Allen under the bus. Here is some information about Joseph’s plight:

No one has ever denied that Smith and Allen are either both innocent or both guilty, They most both be free and exonerated,

-Bob Chatelle



Joseph Allen Needs Support Affidavits

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

Most of you know about the case of Nancy Smith and Joseph Allen of Lorain, Ohio:

One point everyone agrees on: If Smith and Allen are not both guilty, then they are both innocent.

Nancy Smith has gained the support of the Ohio Innocence Project and they have filed a clemency petition on her behalf.

Joseph Allen has an excellent but very busy pro bono attorney.

Here is a summary of Joseph’s story:

Joseph’s attorney is also working on a clemency petition. He would like affidavits from people who can attest to Joseph’s character. I know many of you have formed a personal relationship with Joseph.

Send a letter to Joseph’s attorney, K. Ronald Bailey. He will turn it into an affidavit and mail it back to you for signature. So be sure to include your mailing address on the letter.

I presume it would be most convenient for mr. Bailey to receive these letters in electronic form. His email address is [email protected].

Thank you for your concern about my good friend, Jospeh Allen.

-Bob Chatelle


Criminal Justice, Civil Liberties Issues Missing From 2012 Campaign

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Radley Balko speaks my mind.

Anna Vasquez, of the San Antonio Four, Granted Parole

Monday, October 15th, 2012

The legal team believes that the polygraph test — arranged and paid for by the NCRJ — was key to the decision to grant parole.

Michael’s Pen Pal Site

Saturday, October 6th, 2012

In May of 2011, my friend Michael Waterman was released from prison. He was then 26 years old. I believe he was convicted of a crime that never occurred,

There is no realistic hope of ever reversing his conviction. This would be true even if he had tremendous financial resources. He took a guilty plea.

He took the plea because prosecutors told him they would put him away for life otherwise. He was 18 and very naive. His family — one of the most dysfunctional I’ve ever encountered, including in fiction, offered him no support whatsoever.

Michael is struggling. He is on the sex-offender registry as a level three — considered the mostly likely to reoffend. He has no job. He lives in a rooming house and survives on food stamps and SSI.

About a year ago, I helped Michael set up a prisoner pen pal site. He hoped to sell ads for $20 a year to make a little extra money. But thus far, there are only 10 ads on the site:

Perhaps you know a prisoner who might like to be listed. If you’d like to buh him or her an ad on Michael’s site, you will find the information here:

Another way you could help would be just by writing one of the ten prisoners on Michael’s site:

Thank you for your consideration.
