[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]
I just posted this to the NCRJ web site.We are saddened and outraged by the gross injustice of the Head Start case in Lorain Ohio. This afternoon, Joseph Allen was sent back to prison.
Here are two articles about today’s events:
Please read and leave a comment.
For more information about Joseph’s plight, see this article from our web site:
RT @bobchatelle: An Innocent Man Sent Back to Prison After Four Years of Freedom: I just posted this to the NCRJ web site.
We ar… http:/…
What a shame! Ohio should be ashamed. What kind of people are the prosecuting attorneys that they would allow the life of Mr. Allen to be disrupted once again for nonsense! Doctors and others proved the first child accuser was not molested and made up everything, thanks to her mother. How can that woman live with herself? She has destroyed the lives of two decent people with lies. Surely somebody in the state has an ounce of sense. This nonsense should stop! What a travesty of justice! Ohio State – shame on all of those who work in and for “justice”!!!
I knew Joseph Allen years ago and even lived with him when i ran away from a group home…He didn’t do it…That I can tell you for sure