Bernard Baran Update

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Around noon today, I spoke with Bee’s niece, Crystal.

They still didn’t know the autopsy results.

The family has decided that the last thing Bee would have wanted would be a funeral in Berkshire County — or a wake with an open casket. So there will be a private internment for the family.

But they very much do want a memorial service in 2-4 weeks, and they want as many as possible to attend. So they would like to have it in Boston.

The next issue is finding a venue. If you have a suggestion, please let me know as soon as possible.


One Response to “Bernard Baran Update”

  1. Susan Mortimer says:

    Thank you, Bob. I would very much like to attend the service for Bee. Please keep us posted.

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