Lawrence Brose Case Finally Over

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“Lawrence Brose’s five-year battle with the United States was always about more than child pornography.

“For his fellow artists, many of them skeptical of the government’s allegations, Brose’s criminal prosecution was also about freedom of speech and expression.”

From the Buffalo News:

More articles about the Brose case:

Brose admirers seek leniency in obscenity case

Obscenity plea enables filmmaker to avoid child porn conviction

Filmmaker Brose close to taking plea deal in child porn case, court records indicate

Attorney in Brose child porn case says blame rests with someone else

Brose’s child porn indictment to remain; Recommendation to dismiss is rejected

Brose’s exit from CEPA caps weeks of anguish Gallery group torn over child porn case

Child porn suspect faces risk with trial Brose case may be 1st to go before jury here

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