Felito Mendoza Desperately Needs Pen Pals

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

I have been in touch with Felito Mendoza for over 15 years. But I haven’t been a good pen pal. I mean well, but my schedule just seems to get too busy.

Since being sent to prison, Felito had two faithful supporters. One was his mother. The other was a man named Nicholas Peters. Unfortunately, both are now dead. Felito is devastated by their loss.

I haven’t investigated Felito’s case. Mr. Peters did, and you can see his report by clicking on Felito’s name in the below address.

If you feel you can’t commit to being a regular pen pal, perhaps you could send him a Christmas card to brighten his lonely holiday season. Here is the address:

Felito Mendoza
Box 246, C-A1-059
Graterford PA 19426-0246

-Bob Chatelle

4 Responses to “Felito Mendoza Desperately Needs Pen Pals”

  1. Hey Bob, Would Felito prefer/need pen pal letters in English or Spanish?

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