S.D. case attracts Texas Innocence Project

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

[Mike] Ware [Executive Director of the Innocence Project of Texas] continued, “I have had the opportunity to review the expert medical testimony at trial and the techniques used in the sexual assault examinations back in 1994. As well as the conclusions and opinions reached and expressed in court to the jury by the government’s experts. They appear to be seriously flawed, particularly in light of what qualified doctors and sexual assault nurses now know.”

“It seems fundamentally unfair to continue the incarceration of anyone based on such seriously flawed investigative techniques and inaccurate government sponsored ‘“expert”’ testimony.”

Read the article about an important case sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice by Evelyn Red Lodge (Tipi Luta Win) in the Native Sun News.

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