Archive for March, 2016

Dr. Emily Horowitz Will Discuss her Book in Boston on April 11

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

Dr. Emily Horowitz, NCRJ Boad member and author of Protecting Our Kids: How Sex Offender Laws are Failing Us, will be speaking in Boston on April 11th. The event will take place from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Poetry Center in the Sawyer Library, 73 Tremont Street in Boston.

Click here to see the event flyer.

Eric Tennen Discusses the Baran Case

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

photo: jim d’entremont

This Sunday at 2:00 p.m. EDT Eric Tennen, one of Bernard Baran’s attorneys, will be discussing the case on Worcester radio stations WCRN.

You can listen to the program by following this link.

When facts aren’t facts: A look at the effectiveness of sexual offender registries

Sunday, March 27th, 2016

Jason Malmont, The Sentinel

“However, overwhelming research has shown that sexual offenders, as a whole, are some of the least likely groups to commit new crimes, Rydberg said.

“Rydberg said one major study found that only about 5 percent of sexual offenders committed a new sexual crime within five years. The U.S. Department of Justice places the re-offense rate for sexual offenders as low as 3 to 10 percent, and a study conducted by Karl Hanson found that out of 8,000 offenders that were tracked, none who remained offense-free for 15 years were likely to reoffend after.”

Read the article by Joshua Vaughan in The Sentinel.

A Special Evening With the San Antonio Four

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

The National Center for Reason and Justice (NCRJ)

Invites you to a special evening with the “SAN ANTONIO 4”

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 7:30 PM

Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen St., NYC


photo: debbie nathan

The “San Antonio 4” are four Latina lesbians who collectively spent more than 50 years in Texas prisons after being falsely accused and wrongfully convicted of child sex abuse in an infamous case rife with hysteria, homophobia and panic about child molestation. Anna Vasquez, Elizabeth Ramirez, Kristie Mayhugh and Cassandra Rivera are coming to NYC for the first time, to speak about their prosecution and imprisonment at this special April 13th event and to appear at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of a documentary about their case, Southwest of Salem: The Story of the San Antonio 4, directed by Deborah S. Esquenazi.

Join us to hear the women talk about being wrongfully accused of the worst crime imaginable to the public–and about how their conviction for this bizarre, imagined crime was assured after prosecutors learned that they lived openly as lesbians in San Antonio, a stronghold of homophobia in the early 1990s. Recently released and now fighting a legal battle to clear their names, three of the women (Anna, Elizabeth and Cassandra) will appear with journalist Debbie Nathan, the NCRJ board member, who first reviewed their case and brought it to the attention of concerned activists and lawyers, ultimately securing support from the Innocence Project of Texas and attorney Mike Ware who won their release and is waging the legal fight for their innocence.

Also appearing will be Kelly Michaels, a New Jersey woman who was falsely accused of “ritual” daycare sex abuse in the 1980s after police discovered she was living in a lesbian relationship. She was sentenced to 47 years and spent five years in prison before being freed due to the efforts of lawyers and feminists.

The San Antonio 4 are now fighting for exoneration and compensation for the decades they lost in prison. They and Kelly Michaels will discuss what it was like to have the world view them as monsters. Debbie Nathan will tell how she learned of the plight of all the women, first in the 1980s and again twenty years later. San Antonio 4 attorney Mike Ware will talk about the next steps in the Texas women’s legal fight.

The event will also be an opportunity to learn more about the work of the NCRJ, including another ongoing case involving the “Yankton 4”, Native Americans falsely accused and wrongfully convicted in similar circumstances, as well as an update about Jesse Friedman (subject of Capturing the Friedmans), and his ongoing appeal.

NCRJ supporters and donors are welcome to attend this event; the first 10 people who donate $150 or more will receive 2 complimentary tickets to a screening on April 15 or April 17 of Southwest of Salem at the Tribeca film festival — please email NCRJ board member Emily Horowitz [email protected] if you plan to attend the event or if you would like tickets to the film with your $150+ donation. Donate online:

Learning From Our Mistakes

Friday, March 11th, 2016

(Photo by Jana Birchum)

“Fran and Dan Keller were prosecuted wrongly and unjustly. It’s long past time for their complete exoneration.”

The Kellers have long been sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Read the article by Michael King in the Austin Chronicle.

The List

Monday, March 7th, 2016

Illustration by Geoff McFetridge

“One morning in 2007, Leah DuBuc, a twenty-two-year-old college student in Kalamazoo, began writing an essay for English class that she hoped would save her life. She knew that people like her had been beaten, bombed, shot at, killed. The essay aired details about her past that she’d long tried to suppress; by posting it on her class’s server, where anyone who Googled her name could find it, she thought she might be able to quiet the whispers, the threats, and possibly make it easier to find a job. Her story, she warned, “is not a nice one, but hopefully it will have a happy ending.”

Read the article by Sarah Stillman in the New Yorker.