Read the article by Sarah Cate in Common Dreams.
Read the article by Sarah Cate in Common Dreams.
Joseph’s lawyer, Paula Brown, is updating Joseph’s clemency petition. This petition will go first to the Parole Board, and then to Governor John R. Kasich.
Paula is collecting support letters to file with the clemency petition.
Here are some posts to this blog about Joseph’s case:
Many of you have developed a personal relationship with Joseph over the years.
It is not necessary to argue for Joseph’s innocence in these letters. The accompanying petition will make the case for innocence strongly.
What will be most helpful are testimonies about Joseph’s character.
Send your letters to:
Paula Brown
65 East State Street, Suite 200
Columbus OH 43215-4277
With your letter enclose a note giving Paula your contact information.
Thank you for your concern about my good friend Joseph.
-Bob Chatelle
“Across the country, even offenders whose risk approaches zero can remain on the list.”
Read the article by Eric Dexheimer in the Austin American-Statesman.
Shapiro continues: “Sex offenders are a very unique type of criminal. I like to say they have three very unique characteristics: They are the least likely to be cured; they are the most likely to reoffend; and they prey on the most innocent members of our society.” She cites no evidence.
Read the article by Eric Dexheimer in the Austin-American Statesman.
“But I realize now that many of my clients would choose to take on more jail time, more fees — anything to avoid being labeled a sex offender for life. That’s because our current sex offender registration laws apply an unbending and inhumane one-size-fits-all approach that does not prevent future sex crimes and in fact makes us all less safe.”
Read the article by Rachel Marshall at vox.com.