The Father Gordon J. MacRae Story: Injustice in New Hampshire

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“In 2005, I came upon the story of Father Gordon MacRae in a series of articles by Pulitzer-Prize winning writer, Dorothy Rabinowitz in The Wall Street Journal. This was my first inkling that the case against this Catholic priest, that I and most others thought to be fairly and justly adjudicated, was in fact deeply flawed.

“As I looked more closely, and probed more deeply, it became apparent to me that this priest is a victim of a zealous sex crimes detective, a set of political agendas, and the greed of men pretending to be victims to ride a wave of media coverage of Catholic scandal to commit fraud.”

Read the post by Ryan A. MacDonald in his blog, “A Ram in the Thicket.”

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