Archive for October, 2017

Vermont corrections officer of the year dies in apparent suicide

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

Dalton pointed to a 2013 literature review from the U.S. Department of Justice that included research on the stress that correctional officers face. The review found, in part:

  • In 2011, about 31 percent of correctional officers reported “serious psychological distress,” twice the rate of the general public;
  • In 2012, 27 percent of correctional officers who responded to a study indicated they were suffering from PTSD;
  • “Much more research is needed to develop a better understanding of the prevalence and causes of suicide among (correctional officers).”

Read the article by Erin Mansfield in the Vermont Digger.

Sex offender registries endanger the lives they’re meant to protect

Thursday, October 26th, 2017

“Our communities deserve effective public-safety measures that are based on facts and sound research, not wasteful and counterproductive measures born of fear. We all want to be safe. We have to demand our legislators pass laws that work and actually keep us safe.”

Read the article by Miriam Aukerman in The Hill.

Mothers Defend Sons Accused of Sexual Assault

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
Tim Gruber for The New York Times

“Few issues in education today are as intensely debated as the way colleges deal with sexual misconduct. Women’s groups and victims’ advocates have deplored Ms. DeVos’s moves, saying they will allow colleges to wash their hands of the problem. But a growing corps of legal experts and defense lawyers have argued that the Obama rules created a culture in which accused students, most of them men, were presumed guilty.”

Read the article by Anemona Hartocollis and Christina Capecchi in the Sunday New York Times.