A New Prison Post From Gunther Fiek

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

The Heat is on


One Response to “A New Prison Post From Gunther Fiek”

  1. lisa says:

    In reading about the issues in the time frame leading up to the accusations against Gunther – I see a direct correlation to my boyfriend’s (Rich) case. In his case, a child accused her mother of physical abuse when speaking with her school counselor (a mandatory reporter), within 8 days – the mother was accusing my boyfriend of molesting her daughter. It swept the truth right under the carpet. Rich is/was a Kenpo Karate teacher – he too worked with numerous kids. None of them have accused him. He has had a total of 3 trials, a motion for a new trial, and was ultimately acquitted of child rape in the 1st, but convicted of child molestation in the 1st w/aggravated circumstances. He was sentenced under the wa state determinate plus sentencing which gave him 98 months minimum and a maximum of life in prison. If he is ever released he will have lifetime supervision and registration as a sex offender. He has been denied his direct appeal, and is waiting on word from the WA state supreme court as to whether or not they will hear his case. Life in limbo sucks, however, we always have hope.

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