[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]
Lou is a longtime follower of this blog. I followed a case that he was personally involved in several years ago. Although all charges were eventually dropped, it was a terrible experience and it prompted Lou to do extensive research on our child protective services. This has resulted in a book, that he is in the process of self= publishing.
Recently, I received this email from Lou:
I am on your mailing list and am asking for your help. I just finished my book about US Child Protective Services and am attaching a copy of the introduction. I have started a kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds necessary to pay for self publishing my book about the U.S. Child Protective Services System. The book is a way to reach a wider audience than I have been able to achieve with the litigations I have participated in.
I ask for your support in raising funds. Please make a pledge to reserve a copy of my book. But more importantly, I ask you to please tell anyone else you may know who will be interested in this important news. I know that you have a mailing list of people who support your cause and believe that many of those people would support my book as well. If you would be kind enough to read my introduction, and if are so inclined, to send an email to your supporters and anyone else who you think may be able to end this abusive and unjust system telling them about my book.
In the next 18 months 600,000 children and 1.2 million parents will be exposed to this unconstitutional and destructive system in a way that will negatively effect their children and their marriages. With your support that can change.
The URL to see my site and make a pledge is https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1041803268/childrens-rights.
Please help me expose the corruption and change the way CPS does business!!!
Best regards.
Louis A. Piccone
I cannot attach his introduction to this blog post, but if you would like to read it, let me know and I will email it to you. You can email me at [email protected].