John Scartz is Seeking Pen Pals

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

For a few years, I have been corresponding with an Ohio prisoner, John A. Scartz.

I just don’t have the time to be an adequate pen pal, and because of his lengthy incarceration, he has lost touch with most friends and family. John tells me, “I just want someone to be a friend to correspond with, who will not be judgmental.

John is 45 years old and widowed. He has a son who, tragically, is very recently deceased, leaving John in even more need for support.

You can write John:

John a. Scartz
Mansfield Correctional Institution
POB 788
Mansfield OH 44901

You can also correspond via To establish contact, you just need his name, his state (Ohio), and his prison ID (A465-477).


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