A Prison Post from Shane Crum – The Parole Board

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“Dealing with the parole board is an agonizing affair. You can spend months, if not years, preparing. Taking all the re-entry approved programs the state has to offer. Obtaining support letters from family, friends and potential employers. Then, the day finally comes for you to speak to them. They immediately begin to ask you questions about the crime you were charge with and the subsequent trial. It is at this point you realize, all they want to do is retry your case in the hearing, and they fully intend on giving you more time. Nothing you have done through the years of your incarceration matters. Not the community service hours you have amassed, the educational course you have taken, the career preparedness programs, nor the self improvement programs the state gets money for providing to inmates.”

Read the rest of Shane’s post.

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