Frank Fuster: More about my Cases

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Greetings from my heart.

My two convictions from Miami Dade County share certain aspects in common. Let’s examine three of them:

1) The family of some of the children were employed as law enforcement agents, such as police officials and assistant district attorneys for Janet Reno. This fact is key to understanding the fact that these influential and powerful persons relied on their official positions to ask Miami Dade County State Attorney Janet Reno to file false charges against me. Miss Reno desperately wanted their votes and their friendship. When Miss Reno conspired with them to frame me with bogus evidence; and acted outside the legal perimeter of the law, she did it for political reasons as well. She did it for votes to win her reelection bit. This fact was published by Free Lance Investigative Reporter Ms Debbie Nathan, through her book: Satan’s Silence, in connection to my second conviction, i.e., Case #84-19728-A, known nationally as The Country Walk Case. Ms. Nathan’s book is mostly a rejection of the false allegations that were made against me and my young wife Iliana, by Jan Hollingsworth, who was one of our neighbors; and a Janet Reno’s acquaintance. The purpose of Hollingsworth 600 page illusive book Unspeakable Acts, which she created out of her imagination from the omniscient point of view; and the ABC movie that followed that book, was to provide support to Janet Reno’s fabricated charges against my wife and I; and to provide support to the parents’ civil actions. In out of court settlements, those parents in the Country Walk Case collected up to $1,200,000.00 per child (Eleven children in total). Ms. Nathan’s book reveals that Hollingsworth was hired to draft the book by Laurie and Joseph Braga, who played a major role in assisting Janet Reno in the gross job of manipulating the tender minds of the Country Walk children.

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