Justice Still Denied for Victims of Day Care Sex Abuse Witch Trials

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]


“But before human rights groups here and in Europe focus their attention far in the past and far afield, they would do well to seek apologies, restitution, and justice for the victims of witch hunts much closer in time and space: victims of the sex abuse in day care hysteria that in the 1980s and early ’90s swept the U.S. (and manifested itself to a much lesser extent in Canada, New Zealand, and Europe). One victim, Frank Fuster, remains in prison. He has now served 36 years of a sentence of six life terms and 165 years. (In 2014 the Florida Parole Commission sent him a letter telling him his initial parole interview was scheduled in 120 years.) All this for crimes that existed only in the fevered imagination of his accusers.”

Read the article by Rael Jean Isaac in The American Spectator.

One Response to “Justice Still Denied for Victims of Day Care Sex Abuse Witch Trials”

  1. Paul K says:

    Good article and nice to see he gives a shout out to Bob and his work. Keep up the good work!

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