The Ohio Parole Board – a Prison Post from Shane Crum

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“Several years ago, as Mike Dewine just became Ohio’s governor, I sent in a “clemency application” to the Ohio Parole Board. The clemency application covers several options for the governor to consider. A pardon is just one of them. In the application, I stated that a pardon is for people who have committed a crime for which the governor could forgive them. I also mentioned that I was an innocent man and did not know if I wanted a pardon. I have committed no crime for which to be forgiven. I went on to say that he could look at the evidence himself by logging onto the website my family had set up for me. We had not yet met Bob Chatelle, and he had not set the other site up. All the evidence files are on the site.”

Read the rest of Shane’s post.

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