[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“Material gathered by two of Baran’s staunchest supporters, Robert Chatelle and James D’Entremont, provides strong evidence that Baran was railroaded. An insurance company, investigating the day care center’s claim for coverage when it was sued for negligent supervision by several of the victims’ families, elicited statements from the children and others that they were told that their families would forfeit large sums of money if they denied being molested by Baran.”
Read the full article by Dusty Bahlman in the Berkshire Eagle.
The article implies there were actual child molesters who used Bernie as a ‘fall guy’. Do you know that to be true?
I apologize for overlooking this. There was evidence that two of the children in Baran’s case were being sexually abused by someone else. But I believe the prosecutors did not want to pursue this and thus complicate the case they were building against Baran.