Bad News From Home – a Prison Post from Shane Crum

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

“On Wednesday, my Mother got some bad news. She went to the doctors and was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors scheduled her for something like 3 or 4 tests, and an operation within two weeks. I think they caught it early.

“My Mother has been my strength throughout my incarceration. She has kept me centered. The thing I look forward to the most when I finally get out, is spending time with her. Taking care of her. My life is something of a train wreck, and it has had nothing but a bad impact on my Mother’s life. She deserves some peace in life.”

Read the rest of Shane’s post.

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One Response to “Bad News From Home – a Prison Post from Shane Crum”

  1. Bernard Rosenthal says:

    Dear Shane,
    I’m bery sorry to hear the news about your mother, and I sincerely hope that she has a successful recovery. Best wishes, Bernie Rosenthal

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