Breaking: The Amiraults to receive pardons!

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

This April 2000 file photo shows Gerald “Tookie” Amirault while being interviewed by the press at the Bay State Correctional Center.

Members of the The National Center for Reason and Justice were actively fighting to rectify this dreadful miscarriage of justice before we were even incorporated. Indeed, it was because of this case, and others like it, that we decided our organization was necessary.

We did more than publicize the case and support efforts to overturn the wrongful convictions. We kept in close personal touch with the family. We frequently visited Gerald in prison. When a family member was lost, we attended wakes and funerals.

One of our Advisors, Harvey Silverglate, was part of the legal team. We sometimes thought that victory was ours. But the Supreme Judicial Court, to their disgrace, always torpedoed our efforts.

Because Massachusetts courts dug in their heels and refused to budge, our remaining hope was the Governor. And eight years ago, Wen Charlie Baker was elected, we were hopeful that the case was at an end.

Baker chose not to run for a third term, and a new Governor was elected. Baker finally acted and has requested pardons for Gerald Amirault  and Cheryl Amirault LeFave.

Here is one news story. Many more will follow.

3 Responses to “Breaking: The Amiraults to receive pardons!”

  1. Bob,

    Please tell them that I am glad for them. When I was younger, I worked at Middlesex Probate Court and Mrs. Amirault came in to get a copy of her divorce decree. All my co-workers disappeared and would NOT wait on her. I did. I couldn’t help but feel compassion for her. When she left, I looked at her and said that I hoped that things worked out for her or something like that. She snapped at me saying “, What do you mean by that”? I said “Nothing. I just hope everything works out”. That poor woman was so harassed by people. All my coworkers were staring out from behind pillars and stuff. I was mad at them. Even my boss looked down the stairs to see if it was her. Please give her children a hug for me. I can’t imagine how horrible it has been for them. I left working for the state. It was boring. Anyway, please wish them well. I’ll be praying for them.

    Heidi Dietrich

  2. Fr. Gordon J. MacRae says:

    Well, I CAN imagine how horrible this has been for them. From its inception, it has been a classic Massachusetts Witch Hunt. I saw this announced on the Boston news yesterday and immediately sent a message to Dorothy Rabinowitz without whom this pardon could not be taking place. My congratulations also go to Bob Chatelle and the NCRJ for their much needed voice of advocacy that got behind these victims of a terrible injustice. Thank you, Bob, for keeping us posted. I will not feel elated until that ridiculous electronic monitor is removed from Gerald Amirault. His martyrdom has been evident but his liberation is at hand.

    God Bless you,


  3. rbchatelle says:

    Gordon, thank you so much for your kind words.

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