JoAnn Wypijewski Talks About the Shanley Case

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

Here is a link to a video:

-Bob Chatelle

3 Responses to “JoAnn Wypijewski Talks About the Shanley Case”

  1. William F. McIver says:

    William F. McIver II, PhD.

    Ms. Wypijewski:

    Your pieces on Paul Shanley are superb! (As others on your website. You’re an impressive wordsmith.)

    My wife and I were fortunate to have known Paul before the craziness. Urbane, courtly, fine conversationalist. Brings flowers & wine. Wonderfully dry sense of humor. And, of course, most intelligent. Good company.

    Ironically, I didn’t know of his situation at the time, and he had only a vague idea about mine. I’ve had my share of Mudds and Hoppenwassers, as well as zealous, thoroughly dishonest prosecutors and judges.

    I ran afoul of these opportunistic believers (and countless psychologists, social workers, and instant child experts) for my work in cases of alleged satanic abuse in day care centers, as well as acrimonious custody fights in which one parent (usually the woman) accused a father of molesting his children. Interestingly enough, the accusation often came about within 24 hours of the accuser’s finding out her ex had a girlfriend, or wanted to reduce support payments.)

    As it happens, I had testified as an expert witness in well over 100 cases of alleged satanic ritual abuse in day care centers, and experienced first hand the wrath of prosecutors out to make their bones on false charges. It cost me almost a year in the Oregon State Penitentiary. With a number of fellow campers I’d examined for their lawyers on the outside and hadn’t found insane or mentally incompetent. They knew only too well what they were doing at the time they committed their crimes. Made for an interesting time.

    For whatever it’s worth, one can google Black Deeds in Black Robes, click on the publisher’s page, then, Introduction, for a breezy account.

    At the time, psychologist Ralph Underwager and I were two of a small handful of professionals who’d testify for the defense in those cases. I examined several hundred kids (recorded, audio or video, top to bottom – often with prosecutors, therapists, parents suing for 30 million on the other side of a one-way mirror). Invariably, the kids denied the statements attributed to them in unrecorded interviews.

    One Michigan parent, upon seeing his 8-year-old son deny the teacher flew him to a faraway barn, pooped on the floor, poured chocolate syrup over it and made him eat it, burst into the room and took an unsuccessful swing at me. Once, after I testified, “Children don’t lie about sex abuse” was a myth, and the anatomical dolls were voodoo, a good-looking preppy lady hacked a loogy at me. I know Paul’s crazies.

    Ralph’s widow, Hollida Wakefield, a psychologist, frequent expert witness and author of several books on false allegations, Return of The Furies, about recovered memory is one, regularly corresponds with Paul. She has a reference file of over 25,000 cases dealing with all aspects of false sexual allegations and offered to work with his lawyers at no charge.

    Again, well done!

    I look forward to your articles.

    Best wishes,

    Bill McIver

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