Ray and Shirley Souza — the Case that Made Martha Coakley a Star

[Note: Friends of Justice is a personal blog. I speak only for myself.]

Dear Friend of Justice,

While a few remember Coakley’s disgraceful (but late) involvement in the Amirault case, fewer remember her career-making prosecution of two innocent Lowell grandparents, convicted (without evidence) of sexually abusing their grandchildren.

Coakley was the prosecutor.

Please read this account of the case by Mark Pendergrast.


One Response to “Ray and Shirley Souza — the Case that Made Martha Coakley a Star”

  1. Dot Stowe says:

    Martha Coakley is not on my list of people deserving of public service. That is the mildest remark I can say. No way do I think she should be elected. I plan to do my small bit and vote for whoever runs against her. Dot

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