Archive for the ‘Baran’ Category

Bernard Baran Documentary Now Available Through Amazon

Friday, July 6th, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

The full-length documentary movie about the Baran case is now available through Amazon Instant Video.

You may rent the movie for $2.99 or purchase it for $9.99.

You must download a special player from Amazon to watch the movie. There is no additional charge. But you can’t copy the movie to a DVD and view it on a standard DVD player.

The doumentary contains some powerful footage, especially of Baran and his family. I’m most interested in hearing your reactions.

-Bob Chatelle

Bernard Baran and his Attorney John Swomley

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

On April 17, 2012, Bernard Baran and his attorney, John Swomley, visited a criminal justice class at St. Francis College in Brooklyn.

Here is a link to the video.

An unscrupulous prosecutor rode a wave of homophobic hysteria to get his career-advancing conviction. (Disgracefully, he is still a judge in Massachusetts.) Baran, an innocent man arrested when only 19, survived 22 years of rapes, beatings, and degradation. The Berkshire County still refuses to acknowledge the terrible mistakes that they made.

-Bob Chatelle

Bernard Baran is in the National Registry of Exonerations

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Dear Friend of Justice,

Michigan and Northwestern Law Schools have just created an online registry of exonerations since 1989.

Initially, 891 cases have been put online. One of them is the case of ny dear friend, Bernard Baran — the first case sponsored by the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Here is the link.

-Bob Chatelle


New England Innocence Project Hosts First Annual Exoneree Picnic

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Bee and Me

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

photo: jim d’entremont

Yesterday Bernard Baran came by and took Jim and me to lunch. Afterwards, we hung out for a while in the Rose Kennedy Rose Garden, where Jim took this photo.

Bee has had some terrible health problems over the past couple of years. He’s lost too much weight.

Second Baran Judge Nominated to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Dear Friend of Justice,

Barbara Lenk wrote the terrific unanimous appellate decision in the Bernard Baran case. Another of the Appellate Judges, Fernande Duffly, was recently elevated to the Supreme Judicial Court  by Patrick. Lenk just be confirmed by the Governor’s Council. (The Governor’s Council is a holdover from pre-revolutionary Massachusetts, created to appease colonialists who wanted a check on the powers of the Royal Governor.)
Patrick had previously also elevated Francis Fecteau, the judge who threw out Baran’s conviction, to the state Appellate Court.

According to radio station WBUR, Massachusetts Bar Association Chief Counsel, Michael Healy, cited Lenk’s work in the Baran case as particularly distinguished.


NCRJ (and Bernard Baran) Featured in Slideshow at The Nation

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Dear Friend of Justice,

Thought you might like to see this slide show at The Nation‘s  web site.

The National Center for Reason and Justice (the group that got Baran out of prison) is featured in slide number two. It has a photo of Bee taken shortly before his arrest.

-Bob Chatelle

Film Maker Interviewed about Freeing Bernie Baran

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Dear Friend of Justice,

Film maker Daniel Alexander will be interviewed about his movie, Freeing Bernie Baran, this evening on Austin Texas radio station KOOP at 6 p.m. Central Daylight Time, 7 p.m. Eastern.

The movie will premier at the Austin Gay/Lesbian film festival on September 11.

I will be listening live. Please join me by clicking here.

-Bob Chatelle

Rest in Peace, John M. Swomley

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Dear Friend of Justice,

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Reverend John M. Swomley, father of Bernard Baran’s lawyer, John G. Swomley. I never met the elder Swomley, but I know that his values were deeply instilled into his son, who achieved the exoneration of Baran and has fought for justice and civil liberties on so many fronts.

Here is an obituary of a most remarkable man:

-Bob Chatelle

R.I.P. Robert Aitken Roshi

Friday, August 6th, 2010

Dear Friend of Justice,

This morning I received the sad news that Robert Aitken, an eminent Buddhist teacher and scholar, had died at the age of 93.

Roshi was a true friend of justice, as is his son, Tom. They contacted me many years ago after learning about the case of Bernard Baran from Katha Pollitt’s first column in The Nation. Both contributed financially to Baran’s cause and spread the word about this great injustice. Roshi also regularly corresponded with Baran while he was still behind bars.

Roshi also sent Baran many of his wonderful books. Some were passed on to me and I treasure them.

-Bob Chatelle