Archive for the ‘Baran’ Category

Good Letter to the Berkshire Eagle

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

This letter appears in today’s Berkshire Eagle:

-Bob Chatelle

The Elephant Under the Rug

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

Jim D’Entremont and I first became aware of the Baran case in 1995, but all we knew about it was the information found on Jonathan Harris’s web site. Our involvement really began in June of 1998, at the urging of our friend, Debbie Nathan. On the day that Judge Borenstein issued his ruling in the Amirault case, Debbie emailed us:

Bob, with this ruling I hope someone will be inspired to help Bernie Baran: as you know, he’s the first daycare worker convicted in a ritual abuse case — also out of Massachusetts — and the reason it started apparently is because he “came out” in his little town and announced his homosexuality at the age of 18. The guy has now been locked up 13 years and is going to rot behind bars unless someone takes an interest in his case. Now might be the time to start.

It took us another year to get essential documents in the case. When we read them, we were appalled. We were especially appalled at the conduct of the prosecutor, Daniel A. Ford.

Ford was ambitious and ruthless. He used the Baran case to make his career.  This strategy was successful. Governor Michael Dukakis made him a Superior Court Judge twenty years ago. He remains a judge today. He is an important member of the power structure of Berkshire County.

Thus far, criticism of Ford has been very muted. He is almost never mentioned by name in press accounts of the Baran case. Judge Fecteau made no ruling on the charges of prosecutorial misconduct when he granted Baran a new trial. I do not fault Fecteau for this. I believe he was doing what he thought would be most effective in achieving the ends of justice. Criticizing a brother judge could have eventually caused the waters to be muddied and thus blunted the effectiveness of his excellent decision.

But the Massachusetts Appeals Court has decided that the time has finally come to start talking about the elephant that’s been hiding under the rug.

The Court needed to say nothing about prosecutorial misconduct, because no ruling had been made on that issue.  Never the less, they found they had quite a bit to say.

Several things troubled them:

  1. Dan Ford deliberately withheld from the defense the videotapes of the child interviews — interviews which contained a huge mass of exculpatory material.
  2. Dan Ford deliberately withheld from the defense police reports and DSS materials indicating that at least two of the children were very likely sexually abused by someone other than Baran. [Not surprisingly, no charges were ever brought against these men, who were very likely real child abusers.]
  3. Dan Ford deliberately misled the Grand Jury by showing them a composite videotape with all exculpatory material excised.
  4. Dan Ford turned over material from his case files to the law firm representing the mother of one of the alleged victims.

I think that bill of indictment should be sufficient to have Dan Ford impeached and disbarred, if not sent to prison for obstruction of justice.

A fifth charge is intimidation of potential defense witnesses. I think this affidavit gives us a good glimpse of Judge Ford’s moral character. (I believe there were other potential witnesses silenced by threats from Dan Ford as well.)

I suppose there are some who would excuse Dan’s Ford misbehavior by saying that he truly believed in Baran’s guilt and was sincerely interested in protecting children. But don’t believe that.

After Ford rested his case, he offered Baran the chance to plead guilty in exchange for a five-year sentence. Half would be served at the county jail and half at a low-security facility called  The Sherriff’s Home. (He told Baran that if Baran did not accept this offer, Ford would make sure that Baran spent his entire life in prison.) Would Ford have made such an offer to someone he considered guilty? Would any guilty person turn down such an offer? Ford wanted his conviction and he didn’t care how he got it. It was the very first conviction that occurred during the 80’s daycare hysteria.

I believe that the Appeals Court has fired a warning shot across Dan Ford’s bow.

It will be interesting to see how he — and his chief protector, DA David Capeless –will respond.

But however they respond, the Baran case is now over. Capeless might appeal and the SJC might decide to hear it. But I can see no way the SJC could — or would — invalidate the two excellent decisions written by Judge Fecteau and by the Massachusetts Appeals Court. And there is no way this case could ever be retried.

Bernard Baran is not a criminal. In my opinion, Dan Ford is.

But  the elephant’s days of hiding under the rug are coming to an end.

-Bob Chatelle

Baran's Right to a New Trial Affirmed!!!

Friday, May 15th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

Bee Baran just phoned us. The Appeals Court has upheld Judge Fecteau’s decision and affirmed his right to a new trial.

I read the decision, but very quickly. it strikes me as very strong. Here it is:  Appeals Court Decision.

And here is the conclusion:

IV. Conclusion. We do not lightly affirm the order granting a new trial. For that reason, we have painstakingly examined the record, the motion judge’s decision, and the legal issues on which it is based. The charged offenses are grave and we are mindful that the passage of so much time will impose heavy burdens on all concerned in the event of a retrial.(55) At the same time, it cannot be said that the defendant received anything close to a fair trial. Preserving public confidence in the integrity of our system of justice must be our paramount concern notwithstanding the costs our decision today might occasion. “Our desire for finality should not eclipse our concern that in our courts justice not miscarry.” Commonwealth v. Amirault, 424 Mass. at 660 (O’Connor, J., dissenting).

The motion judge did not abuse his discretion in granting the defendant a new trial and vacating the convictions and sentences.

-Bob Chatelle

I Think I spoke Too Soon

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I fear I spoke too soon. In a more complete story, it was pointed out that there is a footnote in the decision giving judges the discretion to impose the bracelet.

Baran’s conditions are determined by Judge Jeffrey Locke, a Mitt Romney appointee and a truly terrible judge, even by Massachusetts standards.

-Bob Chatelle

Bernard Baran Should Lose His GPS Bracelet!

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

Bernard Baran was released nearly three years ago, although his case is still not resolved. (The Appeals Court has been sitting on it for nearly 15 months now.)

Baran was released under obnoxious restrictions, including unreasonable curfews and the requirement that he wear a GPS monitoring bracelet. The GPS device has caused him a lot of grief, partly because the technology really doesn’t work very well.

Well, we received some great news today. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that monitoring devices can only be required for people who have been convicted of a crime. Since Baran’s conviction was thrown out three years ago, my presumption is that the bracelet will come off soon.


I will keep you posted on developments.

-Bob Chatelle

Bernie "Bee" Baran is Sick

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

I am quite worried about Bee. He has been quite sick for a few days, complicated by severe asthma attacks. He finally saw a doctor this morning. She wanted to hospitalize him on the spot. He finally agreed to go if the medications prescribed for him don’t cause a dramatic improvement over the next couple of days.

Bee has suffered from asthma since childhood. he also suffered a great deal of physical abuse while in prison, causing him a lot of lingereing problems. His shoulder has been bothering him a great deal for a long time. The doctor feels he needs to see an orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible. She also scheduled him for a complete checkup. She told him that his lungs are in terrible shape.

One of the reasons Bee didn’t see a doctor before this is that he had such a terrible time getting health insurance. Once he got it, I bugged him to schedule a physical. But then his partner David became seriously ill and Bee’s focus was taking care of him. Both of them lost a great deal of work because of David’s illness, precipitating their current financial crisis.

The doctor was also skeptical about Bee continuing as a landscaper because of the asthma and his past physical injuries.

If you have Bee’s address, you might want to send him a card. If you don’t, I’d be happy to email it to you. I don’t want to post it in a public place to protect their privacy.

-Bob Chatelle

One Year and Counting

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Dear Friend of Justice,

One year ago today, the Massachusetts Appeals Court held a hearing on DA David Capeless’s motion to deny a new trial to Bernard Baran.

You may wish to review my report on that hearing. I also posted this follow-up comment.

It is unusual for the Appeals Court to take such a long time to issue a decision. There is, however, a huge volume of material to review. One hopes that it is all being thoughtfully read.

When will the Commonwealth’s persecution of this fine young man and his family ever stop?

-Bob Chatelle

Operation Successful

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

I spoke with Bee a little while ago. Yesterday his partner David had the follow-up surgery to reattach his colon. The operation went very well and David’s prognosis is excellent. He may even be home for Christmas.

The past four months have been very difficult for Bee and David. So this is good news.

Now if only the Appeals Court would uphold his new-trial motion soon. I will keep you posted.

-Bob Chatelle

Greetings Again

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

We still await the Appeals Court decision on the Baran case.

Bee is holding up quite well. His partner David is still recovering from his major surgery. Once he has recovered, a second operation will be scheduled. David, of course, will be unable to work for some time. Bee has returned to work, but he had to take a lot of time off to care for David. This has caused a lot of financial problems for them. Supporters and John Swomley, Bee’s lawyer, have been quite generous. If you’d like to help out as well, you can send a donation to:

The Bernard Baran Justice Committee
POB 190663
Roxbury MA 02119

David was well enough, I’m happy to report, to drive both of them out to western Massachusetts to attend the wedding of Bee’s wonderful niece, Crystal. Bee gave her away at the altar.

Jim and I, unfortunately, were not able to attend because we were still on our vacation in Europe. If you’d like to see some photos of our trip, click this link.

I hope to post again soon with good news.

-Bob Chatelle


Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

Dear Friend of Justice,

I haven’t posted to this blog for well over a month, for a number of reasons.

Primarily, Jim and I have been extremely busy all summer because we were forced to move. Packing was a major nightmare. Our lease on the new apartment began August 1st, but we retained the old place for the month of August as well. We had help from many friends during the early part of the month. And then, on August 15, we had five burly young professional movers, who took over seven hours to do the bulk of the move. We completed the move two days later and have been unpacking ever since. It appears a never-ending task.

No news in the Baran case. But Bee, unfortunately, is dealing with another very distressing situation.

Bee lives and works with a partner named David. A week ago yesterday David had to go to the emergency ward with extreme abdominal pain. He underwent a cat scan and was diagnosed with acute diverticulitis. The scan showed at least seven infected pockets.

The doctors tried to bring his white-cell count down before trying any procedures. But last Friday they did emergency surgery. He is having another procedure today. And eventually he will need even more surgery to reattach his colon. The recovery process will be long and he will need professional home health care. It is uncertain how much of the medical expenses will be covered by insurance because of the gross inefficiency of the new Massachusetts health-insurance system.

Bee hasn’t worked for over a week. (Their boss, however, has been extremely supportive.) They have no idea how they will pay medical expenses, rent, or buy food and heating oil. But I’m confident his friends and supporters will get him through this. Of course it’s always possible that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will decide to send him back to prison.

On a brighter note, while Jim and I strongly opposed the sale of our building, we did receive some money. (Not enough to buy another place, of course.)

I’m using some of the proceeds to go to Minnesota for a few days. My mother turns 88 on Thursday. And my niece recently gave birth to triplets. So there may be a family gathering to celebrate both events.

Later in the month, Jim and I will be taking a two-week vacation in Europe. (Barcelona, Marseilles, Paris, Avignon.) Long ago we had promised ourselves this as a reward should we lose our battle to save our prior home.

Should news break on the Baran case, I will post it ASAP.

-Bob Chatelle