Archive for the ‘Innocents’ Category

Massachusetts Supreme Court Unanimously Rules in Favor of Victor Rosario

Friday, May 12th, 2017

The National Center for Reason and Justice has been sponsoring Victor’s case since 2007. Our congratulations to Victor, to his wife Beverly, and to two great attorneys, Andrea Petersen and Lisa Kavanaugh.

“Rosario’s appeals attorneys , Lisa Kavanaugh and Andrea Petersen, took on Rosario’s case and produced compelling evidence that advances in fire science and irregularities in Victor Rosario’s confession while going through alcohol withdrawal showed Rosario was entitled to a new trial in the interest of justice.”

Read the full article in the Tewksbury Patch.

Prisons for Profit and Other Perversions of Justice

Friday, May 5th, 2017

One truth that I have learned is something that I wrote in a recent post: “Beneath every story is another story that brings light to what is on the surface.” This is true in the story of every prisoner I have met. There are evil people in prison. There are some who should never again be entrusted with freedom beyond these stone walls, but they are a small minority. For the vast majority of prisoners I have met, restoring justice to their lives and restoring their freedom is a singular goal. The problem is that there is very little that happens in a one-size-fits-all prison that helps bring that about, and there is a lot in prison that actually works against it.

Read the blog post by Father Gordon MacRae, an innocent man in prison.

A New Prison Post From my Friend Gunther Fiek

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

“Being a Christian and living that life in prison is certainly challenging. But who said that the Christian life would be easy? Some of us were believers before we came to prison. Some of us came to know God here in prison. Some of us might have short sentences while others might be here for a while. Whatever the case may be, I believe that being a Christian in today’s world is probably just as difficult as the persecution that Christians of the first few centuries endured. Our beliefs and what we stand for as believers are under attack by a world that seems to turn more secular every day.”

Read Gunther’s full post.

Jesse Friedman’s NYS appeals court date set

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

(Photo from Blank Slate Media archive)

Soury debated that claim, saying that the “Rice report” had made false allegations such as Friedman writing pornography while in prison and ignored “tremendous evidence” that contradicted the report. He also noted that five children who allegedly made claims against Jesse Friedman recanted testimony.

“We’re looking for justice. We believe our evidence is overwhelming,” Soury said. “It was bizarre at the time, but Jesse [Friedman] was in no position to fight this case.”

Read the article in The Island Now.

Wildfire – a New Prison Post by Gunther Fiek

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

“An accusation is like a spark that can easily start a wildfire and, if not handled or contained properly, can quickly spread out of control thus creating panic in a community. When authorities are unable to recognize in what direction the wind is blowing, they fail at the very task they were trained to do and the misused of the tools that guarantee to extinguish that wildfire become obsolete. The wind can then blow embers and ignite multiple wildfires. The media is like a gust of air that does nothing more but feed the fires by inflaming people’s passions. When it is all over, the damage is widespread and nothing will ever be the same, for anyone, as it will take time to recover — if ever. However, after all the destruction and everything has been left in ruins, one can only go through the rubble and hopefully find the pieces necessary to help you determine how it all started, what was done wrong and how another spark can be prevented.”

Read the full post by Gunther Fiek.

Please Send Bob Halsey a Birthday Card

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Bob Halsey turns 88 on February 18th. I am surprised he is still alive. He has been in bad health for years.

Bob is an innocent man who has been in prison since September of 1993. He will die in prison. And even if by some miracle he were to be released, he has nowhere to go and no one to take him in.

Bob was railroaded by many of the same characters who sent Bernard Baran to prison. Baran’s prosecutor, Dan Ford, was the trial judge. Jane Satullo was the chief interrogator of the children.

You can learn more about his case.

Here is the address for cards:

Robert C. Halsey
POB 1218
Shirley MA 01464

The government made me a sex offender

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

‘People in the lobby were staring at me. Women and men backed away, and a pathway straight to the door was cleared. I suddenly realized what had happened. I’m a sex offender. I mean, they think that I’m a sex offender. “It’s not me. There is someone else with my same name and birthdate. I promise. This has happened to me at the border several times. Please, check again. Run my license number rather than just my name. Check whatever you have to check. It’s not me.”’

Read the article by David Miller in the San Diego Reader.

A Computer for Joseph Allen’s Sister?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

I communicate with Joseph Allen via email using He also has been doing this with his sister Dora in Alabama.

Joseph contacted me to tell me his sister’s computer has stopped working. She really can’t afford to get it fixed or to buy a new one.

I spoke with Dora. She said that the old computer was an AC. I’m not familiar with this brand.

Joseph asks if someone out there might have an old computer they might donate to Dora. If you can help, either comment on this post or email me at [email protected].

If you need to refresh your memory about Joseph’s plight, here is some information.


Highway – A New Prison Post From Gunther Fiek

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Those white crosses mark nameless people. Only a number can be seen in each cross. The cemetery off Highway 178 is where the Georgia Department of Corrections bury inmates “without family, friends, or a care from the world.” I couldn’t help but wonder whether that would be me one day. Or, any of the men I have met over the years. I tried to shake it out of my head. I prayed.

Read the full post by Gunther Fiek.

The San Antonio Four Declared Innocent — Please Help the NCRJ

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016



THE SAN ANTONIO 4 — Anna Vasquez, Elizabeth Ramirez, Cassie Rivera, and Kristie Mayhugh — are innocent. So declared the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on November 23, 2016.

The four young Chicana lesbians were imprisoned for almost 15 years on false accusations of sexually abusing Liz’s two little nieces while babysitting them for a few days in the early 1990s.

When no one else would believe in their innocence, the National Center for Reason and Justice did.

When no one else would find them legal help, NCRJ did. We persuaded the Innocence Project of Texas to take their case. IPOT won their released from prison in 2013.

With your generous donation, we can do more.

When no one sought to publicize their flight, NCRJ did. We alerted local journalists and the documentarian Deb Esqenazi to the story and helped them tell it. Deb’s powerful film “Southwest of Salem” galvanized support for the women nationwide.

And now, just before Thanksgiving, the Four have been exonerated. Although they can never get back what they lost, the state will pay them restitution for each year of wrongful imprisonment.

Help NCRJ celebrate—and work for justice for others—with a special extra donation of $25, $50, or $100 to NCRJ at