Archive for the ‘Innocents’ Category

A New Post From Gunther Fiek

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Please subscribe to his blog.

“It is because of experiences that I’ve lived the reason why I, in a way, erected barriers around my self so that I can filter in – or out – people. I’m careful who I offer my friendship to and even more careful to not judge someone. I’ve always had the desire to help those that I see want to change. You sooner or later realize that you’ve made a mistake but, as I said before, once I’ve offered someone my friendship I try to salvage it. I confess that with time I realize a person’s intentions but I turn a blind eye just for the sake of their company. It is also because I learned that I can do my time better, as it also gives me happiness, when I’m able or was able to do something for someone. But it is in man’s nature to disappoint one another.”

Read the full post.

SJC seems to support freed Lowell man

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

photo credit: peter chermayeff

The National Center for Reason and Justice has sponsored the case of Victor Rosario for many years. We are likely on the verge of complete victory.

“Chief Justice Ralph Gants questioned what standard the court should follow in determining whether Tuttman erred and abused her discretion in ordering a new trial, the main question of law that the court was asked to consider.”

“Don’t we focus now on the fundamental issue of whether there was a substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice?” the judge asked.

Read the article by Milton J. Valencia in the Boston Globe.

A new post from Gunther Fiek

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

“You see, unlike the ‘free world’, prison does not have a place where we can seek refuge from anything that may disturb that peace. We can’t move to a different home, neighborhood or city to find that peace. Here, we are surrounded by individuals with all kinds of personalities and beliefs. You are stuck here 24/7. When that peace in you is disturbed, it sends shock waves that threatens the integrity of one or all three pillars. That peace is like a shield that prevents external forces that may cause any of the pillars to tremble. And that peace can only be achieved by having peace with God.”

Read the full post by Gunther. Please consider subscribing to his blog.


Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

photo: debbie nathan

Act now to exonerate the San Antonio Four! Follow these suggestions at the Southwest of Salem website.

Also consider a donation to the National Center for Reason and Justice.

Freedom remains tenuous for freed prisoner

Monday, October 24th, 2016

Suzanne Kreiter/Globe staff

“Lisa Kavanaugh, one of Rosario’s lawyers, the head of the Innocence Program for the state’s public defender agency, said that Rosario should be exonerated by prosecutors. His conviction was thrown out in large part because advances in forensic technology cast doubt on whether the fire was deliberately set, raising questions about the accuracy of the confession. Kavanaugh said she welcomes the high court’s review of the case, saying the court’s decision could settle Rosario’s case and others like it that have been built on questionable evidence.”

The National Center for Reason and Justice has long sponsored the case of Victor Rosario because we are convinced of his innocence.

Read the article by MIlton J. Valencia in the Boston Globe.

Gunther Fiek’s Blog

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

My good friend Gunther Fiek has started a blog from prison. I encourage you to subscribe. Here is his first post:

An Endeavor

Men accused of killing toddlers say Shaken Baby Syndrome should be on trial, not them

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

(Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office)

“Attorneys for the two men said medical experts have relied on three injuries to reach the conclusion that both victims were violently shaken: bleeding behind the eyes, bleeding on the surface of the brain, and brain swelling. Those injuries alone, defense attorneys said, are not sufficient to prove that the toddlers were abused.”

Read the article by Kristine Guerra in the Washington Post.

Inside Case Behind Wrongful Conviction Doc ‘Southwest of Salem’

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

“Homophobia and hysteria didn’t deprive these women of their freedom – prosecutors did. The state’s reluctance to take responsibility in a case where its failings have been unusually well-documented and publicized suggests locking up the occasional innocent person isn’t that big a deal. With that conviction-at-all-costs mentality pervasive among prosecutors in the U.S., we can expect there are many more innocent people in prison than we know.”

Read the article by Bridgette Dunlap in Rolling Stone.

Judge Alex Kozinski Speaks Out on Wrongful Convictions

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

“I can’t do this anymore.” I sometimes find myself waking up with that as the first thought of the day to enter my mind. But don’t worry. I’ve been waking up uttering that about once a week for at least twenty of the twenty-three years I have spent in wrongful and unjust imprisonment. The thought is more of a temptation than any real conviction. “You don’t have that luxury,” my friend Pornchai Moontri often says in rebuttal. He’s right.

Read the post by Father Gordon MacRae in These Stone Walls.

Trump’s Insistence that Central Park 5 are Guilty Reveals Frightening Ignorance and Worse

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

“Donald Trump doesn’t acknowledge wrongful convictions proven by DNA and by the credible, delayed confession of a convicted murderer and rapist. Insisting on Friday that the Central Park 5 are guilty of the 1989 high-profile horrific attack and rape of an investment banker jogging in Central Park, he revealed he knows nothing about DNA, the dynamics of false confessions, or contemporary understandings relating to criminal justice and wrongful convictions.”

Read the post by Nancy Petro at the Wrongful Convictions Blog.