Archive for the ‘Sex Panic’ Category

Anthony Weiner and What’s Wrong with our Punishment System

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

(Spencer Platt / Getty Images)

“We know today almost all child sexual abuse involves people the victim knows, and almost all new sex offenses involve those not on registries. Sex offenses in New York have not decreased due to the registry, and recidivism rates for those with sex offense convictions are among the lowest of any offense.

“Research has exhaustively documented the negative consequences of registries beyond their ineffectiveness. In addition to the extraordinary stigma of “sex offender,” the registry destroys personal and social networks, increases unemployment and homelessness, and subjects those on it to verbal and physical assaults.”

Read the article by NCRJ Director Emily Horowitz in the New York Daily News.

Come Hear NCRJ Director Judith Levine in Boston on February 28

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

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Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel on the Sex Offender Registry

Sunday, February 10th, 2019

“When originally put into place, Michigan’s Sex Offender Registration Act was narrow in scope and specifically designed to be an important law enforcement tool to protect the public from dangerous offenders,” said Nessel. “But since its enactment, the Act has swelled without any focus on individualized assessment of risk to the community, which makes it increasingly difficult for law enforcement officers to know which offenders to focus on. It also makes it difficult for offenders to rehabilitate and reintegrate into the community because they are limited in where they can live, work or even attend their children’s school functions.”

Read the article at

Send Bob Halsey a Birthday Card

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

Bob Halsey turns 90–or possibly 91–on February 18th. I am surprised he is still alive. He has been in bad health for years.

Bob is an innocent man who has been in prison since September of 1993.  His lawyer may obtain a compassionate release. But if that succeeds, he has no place to go. It would have to be a nursing home, if one would take him.

Bob was railroaded by many of the same characters who sent Bernard Baran to prison. Baran’s prosecutor, Dan Ford, was the trial judge. Jane Satullo was the chief interrogator of the children.

You can learn more about his case.

Here is the address for cards:

Robert C. Halsey
POB 1218
Shirley MA 01464

An innocent man was forced to register as a sex offender for decades. What does N.J. owe him?

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

“I went through a lot, man,” Harrell recalled in an interview. “I had no place to live for a great amount of years. Had to do odd jobs to survive, sleeping in abandoned cars and homes … I couldn’t be around my own kids without another adult being there with me. ”

Read the article by S.P. Sullivan at

The Carceral Problem is Getting Worse

Sunday, December 30th, 2018

“In short, hyper-punishment continues, even accelerates, following new arteries and pathways in the body politic. The punitive state is a behemoth, a monstrous machinery that struggles to maintain its equilibrium. Piecemeal reforms of this or that part of the system will fail to dramatically shift the logic of the system.

“We have not addressed the moral panics that sedimented over the past forty-five years into draconian laws. We have not curbed the zeal to punish. We have not restored what ought to be at the center of law: the idea that punishment has limits, and that the institutions have a responsibility to restore offenders to society in a better condition than when they were judged guilty of crimes.”

Read the article by NCRJ Director Roger Lancaster in Jacobin.

NCRJ Co-Sponsoring Pittsfield Event About Bernard Baran

Sunday, December 9th, 2018

photo: jim d’entremont

On December 12th, the National Center for Reason and Justice and the Pittsfield Massachusetts Human Rights Commission, are sponsoring a presentation at the Pittsfield Atheneum at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Bob Chatelle (Executive Director of the NCRJ), his partner Jim D’Entremont, and attorney John Swomley will discuss the case of Bernard Baran.

We hope to see some of you there.

San Antonio Four Records Expunged

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

John Brecher / NBC News

Over ten year ago the National Center for Reason and Justice formally voted to sponsor the case of the San Antonio Four. We had been following the case for some time before that, and after a thorough investigation we decided that something had to be done.

Information was supplied to us by Darrell Otto, a Canadian biologist who had discovered the case and became convinced of the women’s innocence. We became convinced as well.

So did the Innocence Project of Texas. The NCRJ’s Debbie Nathan contacted them and persuaded them to take the case.

The battle was long and difficult. But we all prevailed. They were freed and exonerated. And yesterday their criminal records were expunged. Read this report.for NBC News by Tim Robbins.

And watch this video of live coverage from the courtroom.

Another Prison Post….

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

From my good friend Gunther Fiek:

Revised Mail Policy

The Case for Dismantling the Sex Offender Registry

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Please join us for an evening of learning and discussion on one of the most controversial issues in America today…

The Case for Dismantling the Sex Offender Registry: What the Research Shows

with Dr. Emily Horowitz, author of Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws are Failing Us

Thursday, October 25 @ 7pm

Cambridge Friends Center, 5 Longfellow Park (off Brattle Street coming out of Harvard Square, Cambridge)

Emily Horowitz, Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at St. Francis College (Brooklyn, NY), will review some of the research and evidence about sex offense registries and the harm they cause. She will discuss recent efforts to challenge these popular but ineffective and damaging policies.

“The sex offense registry is essentially a naming and shaming scheme that doesn’t protect anyone. Over 20 years of studies and research show our sex offense legal regime doesn’t make us safer or protect anyone, as it costs millions and destroys lives. There are nearly 1 million people on sex offense registries in the United States, and the number increases each year. Those interested in criminal justice reform must consider the draconian sex offense legal regime in advocacy efforts, though it is an issue that is often orphaned in bipartisan efforts to reduce mass incarceration.” Emily Horowitz

Following Dr. Horowitz will be a panel discussion with those impacted by the registry including:

  • Nancy DiZio, treatment provider, New England Forensic Associates
  • Tim Anderson, resident at the Southampton street shelter
  • Bill Canavan, director, Boston Release Network

Sponsored by the: Sex Offender Policy Reform Initiative (SOPRI) of the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, ACLU of Massachusetts, National Center for Reason and Justice, and Boston Release Network.


For Information call 617-623-5288 or go to